
The Gnat Line


In January of 2015, my family conducted an intervention with me. The objective was to get Fred and me to move to Macon, Georgia, leaving our 33-year life in Little Rock, Arkansas. They had presented all the pros and not one con. We would be close to family who would help Fred care for me. Fred would not have to do house maintenance and repairs. The cost of housing would be less expensive. We could interact often with my closest family members. And they found a lovely gated, senior community where we could live.

So, sight unseen except for a few photos, we moved into the idyllic community known as Melton Place. Apparently their arguments were convincing enough that we sold our house and moved to Georgia.

They did not tell us about Georgia gnats. They completely failed to mention that when you go outdoors to water your flowers, you are swarmed by gnats on your arms, your face, your nose, your ears . . . and you might just swallow one or two.

Much like the seven wonders of the world, the Gnat Line is just one of many wonders of the Deep South. Technically speaking, the Gnat Line refers to a geographic fall line that geologists or archaeologists believe may have been a prehistoric beach or shoreline. Our house is literally just below the gnat line.

So in spite of the many pros my family presented, they left out one significant con – pesky, persistent gnats. I’m off to find some insect repellent!

I would love to hear your comments.